Friday, June 09, 2006

On a Plane in 24 Hours

Why is it that right before I leave a certain place, I always find the most compelling reason to stay? Why do perfect first dates only happen when departure is an imminent reality? I suppose it is just a part of life which will help all of us decide to eventually settle down. I cannot comprehend the thought that six weeks have passed and Portland will once again be part of my past. I try to imagine life in Manhattan, but find it difficult to see myself as a citizen of the chic city sky-scraped society of New York. Perhaps I will only be able to see myself in it when I get there. I think sometimes it's hard to imagine anything but the homesickness of the past when you try to imagine new places; all you know is what you're leaving behind.

Tonight I went out with a fabulous modern version of the Gregoire of my past. We had gelatto and then headed to a local concert venue to watch Portland bands UHF and Charmparticles scream the night away. The band that we were looking forward to (Jonah) wasn't hitting the stage until 11:00 and by then Charmpartile had already worn us out and we were on our way back over the Willamette. At my place we talked music and sang and played the guitar -- he's heard of Moxy Fruvous independent of my influence. Can you say "keeper?" :) Conversation was easy, constant and fun. Really, does it get any better? And I'm leaving...

In twenty-four hours I will hopefully be sound asleep as my 747 flys silently eastward chasing the horizon until it kisses the sunrise and brings me to my new playground.

Love you all!

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