Friday, June 16, 2006

Lessons Learned

We have a wonderful luxury in life. It's the luxury of learning lessons from other people's experiences and mistakes and twisted philosophies. As I've thought about it, I've realized that recently I have been the guinea pig for many of the lessons that will surely come in handy to me and my three white mother companions. Of course, me being the guinea pig only came out of my own reckless abandonment of reason and forethought. But I've found that often that is when some of the most valuable lessons are learned. I suppose that's what I get for following Mr. Keating's urges to carpe diem. At any rate, I thought it might be fun to recount some of the lessons we've learned from each other. Post your lessons with a comment, but for now I'll start:
  • Jenny confirmed to us that Walter (Sleepless in Seattle) is not a suitable husband for a passionate and super-motivated woman
  • I think we are all now well aware that contacting anyone from Willoughby's past is not a good idea
  • Steering clear of Miss Grey (as in, Willoughby's latest) is probably wise, as an encounter will only make the heart sting
  • Whitney taught us (and I confirmed) that generally the word 'naked' never comes out right in a conversation with the opposite sex

Really, I think Jane Austen already taught us most of these lessons but I guess I'm discovering that I don't believe the stove is hot unless I touch it. That's probably kind of dangerous, but exciting and experimental, too! So, if you've got a lesson to be learned and the thought of seizing the day makes you weak in the knees, you can count on me! I'm feeling very adventurous. Carpe Diem! Really, have I learned anything??


Whitney said...
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Whitney said...

Unfortunately, I also taught us that confrontation is never the answer.