Friday, July 07, 2006

The Summers and the Flingings

Don't forget the russian accent when you say the title of this one.

So, I've been thinking. The four white mothers have done a considerable amount of joking about summer flings. But the more I think about it, the more disturbing it has become. Not disturbing to the point of soliciting tears, a vomitous response, or even a need for extra hugs. Just a little... off. Perhaps this comes from observation more than contemplation, or maybe it's a mixture of both. But I think that any of the four white mothers would happily meet someone that they could spend the summer loving. Am I right? But why is it that it all has to come to an end with the arrival of my favorite season of all? There's no commitment involved, and that's the "beauty" of the idea, but wouldn't you only really want to have a relationship with someone that you cared about? And that cared about you? And if that is the case, I think it is worth preserving. Or at least trying to.

That's all.

I miss you!

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