Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Rocking my Launchets as Implicitly Implied

My Darlings...

I have become the weakest blogger. I need to find more fascination in the daily soup (hey, that's the name of a cute little cafe in New York) of life and not break into writers withdrawal every time life slows down a bit.

Well, I'm sure you were all just as curious as me -- but the status of my fated "real world" subjects has returned to normal after two painful weeks of singleness and they apparently are back in a relationship. See, I knew you'd want to know. Hope has returned to my heart.

Do you ever look around and wonder what this whole thing is all about? And by "whole thing" I mean the whole she-bang: life, love, work... I don't mean to launch into a philosophical debate on a blog post -- I'll save my launching for rockets -- but really. We grow up and live normal lives and get normal jobs and marry ordinary people and fret and worry ourselves to death over whether we are good parents so we can have have normal kids that will grow up and do the same thing. Lather, rinse, repeat. Doesn't it all just seem too simple sometimes? You can say it, I'm officially going nuts.

Perhaps I am going nuts for good reason. I am, after all, leaving the country in exactly one week. I have so much to do before then. So much to do that I almost want to just throw my hands up and let it all fall to the ground however it will. Sometimes things work out better that way.

Warning Sign just came on my iTunes. I love this song. A year ago today I saw Coldplay in concert. They were amazing.

I'm in Omaha. Did you know that? It is such a great place, I think. I would definitely not be opposed to living here in the great state of Nebraska. But only after I have a family. I'm not feeling much of the singles vibe here.

Yeah the truth is
I miss you

We all need to promise to continue faithful to the blog for as long as the sun and the moon shall endure. While three white mothers will remain in close proximity, the fourth will probably not even be in cell phone range.
I miss you so And I'm tired I should not have let you go

Do you ever see yourself doing something and just wonder why you keep doing it? WHY? And I don't mean the impulsive things, I mean the calculated, thought out ones. Like writing a lengthy email. Why?

I love you girls. If this weren't a blog, we wouldn't have to be so vague.

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