Tuesday, August 29, 2006

On My Way

You all must be settled back in to Provo. You know it's funny, but sometimes I miss it. I'm anxious to get the updates from everyone!!!

I leave in a few hours for Brussels. I am loving Prague -- it's just so beautiful! I have been so incredibly taken care of here and until today had spent a total of 400 koruny. That's roughly $19, which is incredible for more than 3 days in a European country. People have made me food, given me a place to stay, tango lessons (oh la la!) and I just feel really lucky. When I got here I took 2000 koruny out of the bank, not knowing what to expect. So today, I got rid of most of the otherwise useless money. Among other things, I was inspired by Jenne's crystal balls hanging in her window. (I'm staying Jenne's flat) They create wonderful rainbows all over her room when the sun goes down and they refract all that beautiful (and rare) Czech sunlight. So how am I going to remember Prague? With my own room full of rainbows.

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