Friday, April 04, 2008

Is this a migraine?

Long ago, I had a roommate named Jo that said she didn't get migraines, or at least pretended like she didn't get them. Long story short, I had no idea what she was talking about. Well, I might know now. About a month ago, I stood up from the couch with a throbbing sensation in my head. I never get headaches, so the experience was a novelty. That is until I woke up the next day with the same pain. That is until I took almost a bottle of Tylenol and felt no dulling sensation. That is until it lasted a week. I thought it was a fluke...nature/God making me more sympathetic of those who get migraines. Well, I woke up this morning with the same headache. Hmmmm....

Besides that, I'll follow Sarah's lead and provide a brief update of life:

1. The wart still won't go away. I'm getting restless.

2. Spring Break is in a week. Both teachers and students are LONGING for the break. We're all starting to get antsy.

3. A visiting superintendent is coming to watch one of my classes in April. They needed to see students using the writing program online, and lucky me, my students are in the lab that day. Yuck. I hate getting observed.

4. I've convinced Nigel to fly to California to look at schools and to see Jo. Let's just hope gas prices go down before we buy tickets. Or maybe we should buy them right now before they get worse. However, after hearing about all the airline fiascoes, I'm a little nervous about flying.

5. Nigel and I babysat my nieces and nephew when Kate and Paul celebrated their 10th anniversary. We learned that parenting is exhausting. Gabby was up from 3:00 to 7:00 one night, and I realized that I'm a truly selfish person: all I wanted was to sleep. Other than that, though, I learned that I really love my husband. He took her at about 5:00 when I was starting to lose it. :)

6. I used the word "bevy" in passing conversation yesterday. That really is the highlight, come to think about it.

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