Friday, April 04, 2008


A few updates from my life:

1. This morning I found out that Aloha Airlines declared bankruptcy. Not like all the other airlines that continue to operate... Real, 100%, full-fledged, we're done, bankruptcy. Look here for proof. So the only reason that this really effects me is because Spencer and I booked our tickets for our Honeymoon on Aloha Airlines. Yep. So far Plan B is forming quite nicely though, and Visa seems hopeful that Spencer can get his money back. But it did give me a mild heart attack. I may even write a few letters and shed some tears over the phone and see what I can get out of the situation. Sometimes those things can go a long way.

2. Last night I made hummus and it's super good. Surprisingly good. I like hummus, I just didn't realize I could make it that well. It looks like I'm on the road to Middle Eastern domesticity.

3. Things at work are kind of slow and whenever that happens beverages are the first thing to go. So I bought a case of water for myself. Weird.

4. I'm getting married exactly six weeks from today! Ahhhh!

5. Lately I have been getting up in the mornings with plenty of time to go running (which I really should do, because I'm running this in eleven weeks) and I just haven't. I've just stayed in bed and listened to the world wake up and watched my room get light and read or done nothing. And it's been kind of nice. But really, I should go running.

6. That's all.

Love to you all!


Joanna said...

I can't believe you made hummus - I'm totally impressed. It's too bad that you don't live here because Trader Joe's has tons of great hummus flavors. Sigh. I totally agree - there is not much that is more enjoyable than waking up early and lying in bed listening to everyone else start to wake up and watching the room get brighter. It's nice.

J-E said...

I would agree, except my room is pitch black when the alarm goes off. I do love the weekends, though. They make me smile and sink back into the covers. We've been thinking about making hummus for quite some time but simple haven't. Do you have a good recipe? I would love it!