Thursday, January 03, 2008

January = Depression

I hate January. If memory serves me correctly, Jo and I have had this conversation at least half a dozen times, but I will repeat it again: it stinks. At least in December, the holidays are just around the corner, and we can pretend that the snow and cold are in reality romantic. Icy is anything but romantic, though, when January hits. I had to stave off several crying bouts as Nigel took out the tree and sawed the poor little thing. When we took down our Christmas lights, I mourned a bit. And then my students came trudging in this morning as if they were recovering from a 10-day hangover. Drawn eyes, exhaustion lines across their faces, looks of "teach me if you dare," and several other pleasantries made my return to school charming. It didn't help that I felt like I had just overcome a 10-day hangover myself. Nigel starts school on Monday, and then it's back to normal. He's actually sick in bed right now, and I'm trying to avoid the bug. So far, so good.

I suppose I should end such an unhappy email with something exciting: Nigel found me an edited version of Amelie for Christmas. If you are ever in the area and care to watch, let me know. I haven't heard from some of the other mothers in so long, I feel slightly disconnected. Whitney, are you done with school? Jo, has the craziness of work ended? (You were the subject of a conversation recently: while discussing blogs, Kate mentioned that she was listed as a friend on yours. She found that great fun. Mom then proceeded to ask Kate how you were and what you were up to. It seems they have both forgotten that I knew you first. We were fighting over knowing you! How fun.) Sarah, where did you go for Christmas? Did you get much time off of work?

Hope you all enjoyed your holidays.

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