Saturday, November 24, 2007

A Great Feat

With the Thanksgiving Break, I had one goal: thank-you notes. You see, I have been trying for about four months to get all the thank-you notes from our wedding done. I had some silly goal that I would have them all written and sent out before school started in August. I suppose I thought I could move into a new house, unpack, plan the next school year in just under a week. Obviously, that didn't happen. However, this past Wednesday I finished writing and actually posted them. It feels like the voice of Emily Post that has been whispering in my ear about how many etiquette rules I'm breaking has finally been silenced. Now I have all sorts of new ideas for thank-you notes relief. For example, if someone gives you money, it's hard to write a note. I mean, what do you say? Thanks for the cash? That's not tacky at all. So I developed many phrases that didn't sound as gauche. Perhaps I could publish these in a book for those in similar situations. After watching the whole process and helping a fair amount, Nigel has invented an even better solution than pat phrases that sound hollow. The fix? He thinks that we should give our friends form letters to ease their fight with getting thank-you notes done in a reasonable time. The letter would be typed and then the recipient could simply fill in the blanks or circle words. Something like this:

Dear _______________,

Thank you for the __________________. Your gift was great/pretty good/ok/terrible. Without your friendship, our lives would be dismal/endurable/much better.

You get the idea. What do you all think? Is it marketable? :)

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Break. Jo, with the combined help of Kate and Nigel, we reached 42 on the vocab game. It was hard work. Our rally cry was "We must beat Jo!" Thought you would like that.


Joanna said...

i love it! haha. we actually got the thank-you cards in the mail today. it cracked me up to get 3 on the same day, but it was also sweet! good for you. oh, so i guess now my goal is to get 43 at the game, although i don't know if that's possible. i think you guys had a huge advantage with nigel because he knows all of the technical and scientific stuff. nice score!

Sarah said...

way to go girl!

Katydid said...

Hey, I'm invading this space. But I got a 44 a few days ago by myself :) If I don't get a response, I will have to call and brag :)