Thursday, October 09, 2008


Hey girls. I've felt so out of touch lately... with everything! You, the world, etc. Anyway, the thing that my life has been revolving around lately is the launch of my new business and the accompanying website. :) I don't quite know what my expectations are for Sugarhouse Ink, but for right now I'm only hoping that perhaps a steady stream of Christmas card orders will help pay for the crown I found out I have to get. Boo for expensive dentist visits. Although, I'm sure someday Whitney will learn to love and appreciate crowns, root canals and the like. For now, not so much my favorite thing.

Spencer is gone for the weekend so I'm just hanging out at home alone. Oh, and what's with me not having a job yet? Seriously, I never expected the unemployment to last this long... but I'm thankful that it has; it's given me a chance to work on lots of my own projects and learn so many things I wouldn't have if I had been working.

So anyway, that's that. It's really late and I'm super tired. Have a good night and wish me luck at the dentist...

1 comment:

J-E said...

I'm so glad the blog didn't die. I was getting worried. I mean, when I'm the only one who's posted in the last couple months, I have reason to worry. Good to hear from you. Any recent interviews?