Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's Back!!!!

That's right. It's indestructible, unbeatable, unchangeable. The wart is back. How? How should I know! I've frozen the unsightly little parasite over 20 times (if you include every doctor visit), and I have yet to see even semi-permanent results. Without fail, six months pass, and the little guy decides to pop up again. However, I've determined its origins: student teaching. I've decided that after handling the papers of 12 year-olds for three and a half months, I was bound to touch someone who had a wart. Unfortunately, no one mentioned that in those intro-to-student-teaching classes where they instruct you about the hazards of working in the public education field: shootings, parental threats, no child left behind horrors, long nights of grading, classroom management, the flu, cold season, driving in the snow, and rooms that can't maintain a season-appropriate temperature were all covered. But this? Not once.
Luckily, my husband was a lifeguard, which means he has a history of seeing and dealing with warts. His home remedy is the best I've come across--duct tape. With any luck, by the time Jo comes to Utah, she will actually be able to stay in my home rather than bunking up in a hotel where she is safe.

PS - I decided this blog didn't need a picture.

PPS - Whitney, don't touch their hands.


Joanna said...

So, the saga continues...oh, Jen, I really do feel for you, but I also have to say that I am relieved that I am not in a position where you can show it to me daily - is that selfish? Love you!

Whitney said...

I was just telling Jeff the other day that I think I am getting a wart! I know it has to be from one of my kids. Isn't that crazy. Dirty sixth graders. My leg still hasn't healed properly from the whole ringworm incident in DC. My kids gave it to me there. So nuts. Public schools...bleh...the kids in them are just little petri dishes!

The Smith's said...

Joanna, I need your email address to add you to my blog. Either leave it in a comment or email me at

Katydid said...

Umm, no hand waving in front of my face sis.