Friday, September 29, 2006

I'd Like To Confirm

That even in Europe, life is just life. And that's ok.

Yesterday while I was running, I thought of how funny it is that life puts you in certain situations where you get to learn and do and love things and people that you might not otherwise. And then I thought of what a silly thought that was, because.... who would you love, what would you do, what would you learn otherwise? Otherwise? I've decided that "otherwise" may not even exist. I think that is what it's all about. The randomosity of it all, learning and living and loving (and blogging about?!) whatever comes your way.


Joanna said...

I'm sorry this has become an Uptown Girl blog! I have a new goal to contribute regularly, even if our other 2 white mothers don't bother!

Sarah said...

yes, please do. I've had fear of both blog domination and blog abandonment and I was willing to risk the first to save us from the second. B4L! (blog for life)