Saturday, April 29, 2006

Are you down?

So, as I was riding with Seth to the airport yesterday, he mentioned a few of his friends and in a sigh said, "Maybe that's all I'm good for, girls to vent to about their ex-boyfriends." Of course this brought up the subject of my recent past, and I gave the most condensed version of it that I ever have (maybe 2 minutes - you'd be proud) to which Seth replied, "Well, I can assure you it was nothing that you did. I mean, you're so down." He felt the need to define down.

"So, down is when you're willing to give a little. He wants to watch a skate video; you're intriguied. You meet his friends; you try and remember their names. There's nothing like finding a girl that's down... and if everything else lines up, it doesn't get any better. You are so down."

I think it was the best compliment I've received in a while. It made my day. And I know that I can safely say that The Four White Mothers are down.

The drive to Oregon was... long. And beautiful. Oregon has never been prettier! It's hard to believe I'm really here. Tomorrow is the day of reckoning... possibly the first of many. Wish me luck.

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