Friday, April 25, 2008

Three Weeks

So, in approximately three weeks and two hours I will be a married white mother! Except, with no children. So, this is fantastic because -- THREE WEEKS! And also slightly worrisome because -- THREE WEEKS! The worry factor comes in when I realize I still haven't picked up my dress, figured out my hair, found a veil, determined if we're doing cookie favors or a candy buffet, scheduled my bridals, figured out my makeup, made the DVD slideshow thing, burned the music CDs for the reception, finished Spencer's wedding gift, started moving my stuff to his condo, or finished writing thank you notes from the first showers. That's where the "holy cow!!!" feeling starts to pile on and I get a little buried in it. But then I remember that I'll be in Hawaii in a month... and I can start to relax again. :)


Mollie said...

Just be thankful you don't have midterms the day before the wedding to throw in there too....

Joanna said...

Ah! I wish I could help out with something! I'm sure it will work out and when you look back it will all just be on big blur. But meanwhile...