Monday, January 25, 2010

Next Blog

Have you ever hit "next blog" at the top of the page? Every once in a while I'll hit it a few times and see what's up with random strangers. Eight times out of ten there is a photo of three young children at the top, perfectly spaced 18-24 months apart. They are smiling and happy and if you scroll down far enough, sure enough, one of them is wearing a BYU t-shirt or there is a post about a recent family trip to Utah with photos in front of the temple. I find this quite odd. It makes me wonder: do only Mormons blog? Does google/blogger/the internet know that I am Mormon and hence send me to only Mormon blogs?

On another note, I bought a food processor on Saturday. For a long while I thought that they were just another counter cluttering gadget, but lately as I've delved more into cooking, I've wished I had one so many times. Thanks to the Bed Bath and Beyond 20% off coupon and a Kitchen Aid rebate, I got a pretty good deal and have used it every day since I bought it (three times). Today I made "one ingredient ice cream" which is basically pureed frozen bananas. I added a little peanut butter for protein and interestingness. Mmmmm. Anyway, I'm really excited about this and am excited about the possibilities!

Also, I'm working on some super fun crafty projects that will have to remain a mystery for now. I will reveal when the time is right.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

When Plans Just Don't Do It...

I really can't believe how long it's been since I even blogged anything. It makes me chuckle to look at our posts from the end of last year and resolutions to blog once a month. I say forget promises. Just blog when you want to. Doesn't have to be more than a couple of words. Put something up that you thought was funny on youtube, whatever!

Anyway, a ward trip to Big Bear got cancelled for this weekend due to weather and so I have a little time on my hands. The problem with time on my hands is that then I get restless and dissatisfied. So, I thought, why not blog and get my mind off of things?

Pretty much the life plan right now is to plan on going back to school in Fall 2011. That gives me time to re-take the GRE (with a very overpriced prep class), and actually spend time on as wel as save money for applications. The problem with this is that I get really tense thinking about surviving another year in a pretty stressful, undervalued job. And staying put for another year and a half. I can't even think about other people with my dream job because then I start to dream and get really impatient to be doing something else when what I really need to do is get my MA.

So, that's pretty much where I am right now. That means another 1.5 years living at home so that I can hopefully pay off some debt and maybe save a little bit of money. Not so easy when I'm already pretty much the oldest person in my ward and all I want to do is move out and feel like I am an adult instead of still living at home. No matter what, I MUST be moved out before my 30th birthday! So, besides that, I've been having some weird health issues with my stomach that I am trying to work out with a doctor. I'm also trying to suppress my impulse to run away and travel (for lack of funds).

Hope you are all doing well! Can you believe that one of us 4WMs really is going to be a mother soon? Crazy! Things always work out so differently than we sometimes think (well, maybe except for Jenny - haha!). Love you all!

As a random side note, if you want to see some pics from my Heart Walk last September, click here.