Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thinking of You

I saw these in the store today and thought of you!

PS - Whitney, I think we have all agreed that it's time you checked in so we can (once again, haha) make sure you are still alive.


Sarah said...

One word: YUM!

And maybe a few more: why am I at work and not at the grocery store buying these RIGHT NOW!!!?

Whitney said...

I have been eating these like crazy!
Yeah...I know. That's what my family says too. My life is so out of control...I wish I could tell you everything that has happened. I thought school was always stressful, but I had no idea. Life is stressful. I don't think I've had this much stuff happen to me at one time in my life. But I'd rather not blog about it, so someday the four white mothers will catch up. We need a reunion. I miss you girls...