Friday, December 07, 2007

Tis' the Season

Since I'm slightly obsessed with Christmas, not last on my to-do list for the month was getting up a Christmas tree and decorating our house. I even put it on my calendar just in case I forgot. Last Saturday Nigel and I went to buy a REAL Christmas tree--let's just say that the real took a bit of convincing. Nigel has always had fake; I've always had real. This has been a debate for the entire month of November. Me: They're prettier. Nigel: They're not environmentally friendly. You're killing them. Me: They smell good. Nigel: All you have to do is take it out of the box. Me: They're prettier. (Note how all of my answers have an aesthetic bent to them.) In the end, I won: I think the part where I explained that he had to use a handsaw to level off the bottom of the tree was the clincher, though, nothing about pretty. So we have a live Christmas tree. We strapped it to the top of our little car, prayed it wouldn't fall off, let it defrost in our garage, sawed off the bottom portion and branches, and put it up. I love it. I even made little bow ornaments out of ribbon since our budget doesn't quite allow for funky ornaments from chic stores. However, it has lights, little glass ornaments, and ribbons. And little old Martha-me used the extra boughs to decorate the house. Wow. I guess this means I'm officially married. I wanted to wait to write this when I actually had the good pictures of the tree on my computer, but that could take several more days. I'll post those later. Here are a couple. The "star" at the top was a creative effort--we'll get a real one some year.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Yay for real trees! I don't know what to say about your domestic abilities...really, I'm speechless.