Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Let My Love Open The Door

Have you guys seen Dan in Real Life? It's really cute. You should.

I'm so happy that everyone is alive, and that we're all aware of each other in the blogging world. :) Yay! Sometimes though - despite my great love for the blog - I just wish I could have a Polly Pocket version of each of you and carry you around with me wherever I go. That way I'd never have to miss your passion, humor, intelligence, wisdom, kind hearts and friendship. Ah... to have Polly Pocketed Mothers.... Maybe that's what it's like in heaven. Polly pockets of all our favorite people.

Life is good. I love those moments of clarity when you can just stand back and count your blessings. Even when those moments are sparse and intermingled with super difficult circumstances. One of those blessings I've been thinking about is kind of what Whitney mentioned in her blog -- people that come into your life and give you a fresh perspective of everything. I love the idea that we are constantly changing, evolving beings, with the ability to have that influence on others -- to help them change and evolve, and perhaps even discover a little more of the divinity that is in them. Sometimes when you're getting to know someone it feels like even though they know you, there are some things they don't know and maybe never will. I like to think that it is only because as you are with them and you change together, certain (maybe less desirable) versions of ourselves can be left in the past.

I have been thinking about Jenny's post too. About how different a classroom is in theory than in practice. I think a lot of life is that way. I think most jobs are that way. If I studied advertising for life, I'd constantly be developing new and different strategies and concepts. In real life, clients (and bosses) are stingy and practical. They're boring and unwilling to take risks sometimes. I think that love, romance, family, and mothering are that way. (Not stingy and impractical, just different in theory and practice) How many of us have had experiences like we've seen in Serendipity or Pride and Prejudice?

Anyway, enough of my verbosity. But I have to tell you. My bishop has a blog. He's fabulous and it's fabulous. It's a great amalgamation of wisdom and humor and complete randomness. You guys would love him.


Joanna said...

I saw that movie the day it came out and loved it! Plus, the music is so amazing and totally makes the movie. I have to admit, one of my favorite scenes was the Ruth Pig-Face song. It just all seemed like those quirky things families really do on vacations and what real sibling and family relationships are like. It was great!

Joanna said...

I saw that movie the day it came out and loved it! Plus, the music is so amazing and totally makes the movie. I have to admit, one of my favorite scenes was the Ruth Pig-Face song. It just all seemed like those quirky things families really do on vacations and what real sibling and family relationships are like. It was great!