Sunday, September 23, 2007

I won't let it die!

Dearest mothers-

I was half tempted to just write that I will be a real mother in nine months, but then I thought better of it. So, I am sitting her on Sunday, and I realized that it had been almost two months since I had even checked the blog. I was wondering to myself, "What's Whitney doing in D.C.? Does Jo still take naps with soft Church music, and if so, who is her partner? What is going through Sarah's head right now?" Then I decided to check the blog. And low and behold, it has an entirely different look. And I love it. Right then and there, I decided that I had to write.

I'm now the second counselor in the YW, which means I get to hang out with teenagers EVERY day. Actually, I am enjoying it. There's just something so very loveable about being awkward. I had forgotten so many things: combined YM/YW activities, YW in Excellence nights, New Beginnings, etc. And I get to help plan all of them.

Nigel and I are doing well. We went to the football game yesterday and cheered and laughed and ate greasy food. Last week we went to the state fair, where I informed Nigel that I had never been able to have a funnel cake when I was younger and we went as a family to the fair. This year, I would have one! So we ate corn dogs and hot dogs and icy lemonade and funnel cakes. We came home and couldn't move the rest of the night, so we watched a movie. I love the state fair. There is something so very American about watching teenagers sell cattle and sheep or viewing the 4H sewing items (people still sew?) and pie contests and a 700 lb. butter sculpture. We pet the pigs and smelled the cows. All in all, it was a delight. Except for the fact that Nigel now wants a pet pig. He claims they are smarter than dogs and will fetch the paper.

Now...well...we're trying to figure out internships for summer. Exxon Mobile took us out to dinner at Tuscano's which made me further wonder why I went into teaching. No school ever wined and dined me to convince me that I should be a teacher at their school. It was quite the opposite. However, I wasn't about to complain--I got free roasted pineapple.

And with that, I hereby intend to be a better blogger.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm glad you're back, J-E. :) You and Nigel have so many great options ahead. I'm excited to see where your path takes you.