Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Things You Would Never Buy From Urban Outfitters

So, I was looking through the Urban Outfitters website and happened upon some interesting items. I really think that these items will end up on clearane, and perhaps they will actually have to pay people to take them:

Stuff On My Cat book (includes photos of cats with, well, stuff on them)

Andy Warhol Lip Plate Set (for those times when you feel like eating off of lips)

Buddha Buddha Bank (just in case your normal Buddha bank isn't cool enough)

Inflatable Moose (for all those times when you were thinking, "Oh, if I only had an inflatable moose head on my wall, the apartment would be complete!)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

The inflatable moose head reminds me of a news story I heard recently. Apparently at Penn State in one of their science labs/classrooms they have (or had) a stuffed moose head mounted on the wall until it fell on a student while she was taking a test. She's sueing the University now. Maybe they should invest in the inflatable version?