Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Frosted Windows

Ok, so I figured that this is the best format to relay information to all of my four white mothers. I don't really know if you want to know all of this, but it's an important step in my emotional development. Are you ready? :)

Last week, we (as in boy and I) got back from a concert, and there were no parking spaces below. I moaned about having to scrape my windows in the morning because I would have to park in the back. He laughed.

Well, come morning I walked out to my car only to find that all of the windows have already been scrapped. I smiled and thought, "Wow, I'm dating someone wonderful." I then drove to school and later sent an email to all of my sisters explaining that I was now dating someone. I made it vocal (or as vocal as internet can be). This is a huge step for me. I voluntarily offered the information whereas I typically allow people to pry it out of me.

All in all, I'm good. :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yay, Jenny! That's so great! I can't wait to hear all the details...