Friday, June 09, 2006


I have decided that a love of travel is really not a good passion. Besides the expense factor, I think there is some truth to the fact that after we have lived somewhere, we leave a part of ourselves there and can never actually feel like we completely belong in one place anymore. That is how I feel about Brazil, and I am beginning to understand that it will be that way for Mozambique as well. Isn´t it odd that we can come to love such different places so much? For a lot of the beginning of this trip I kept dreaming about how nice it will be to not have to wear flipflops in the shower, to get a hot shower, to be clean, not stared at, not crowded onto chapas and machimbomboms (buses). However, now that I have about one more week here before I leave for South Africa, and then about another week before I get home, I am starting to get worried. I had a dream last night about getting home, and it just left me with this immense feeling of sadness. Why do I always have to leave a part of myself in places where I know it will be so difficult to return? I don´t even know how to explain the changes that have occurred in my way of thinking and my views of the world. Anyways, I don´t have much time and I don´t want to be too down. I am very excited to see everyone again, but right now I will admit that I don´t really want to come back. Why does life have to include the sorrow of parting? Well, I do miss you all and am excited to hear about your adventures. I will be back in 2 weeks! Love ya!

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