For some bizarre reason, I've been pondering the blogging world lately. (Forgive me, My4WM, if this is too personal-sounding of a blog for a coauthored site.) Although this online-writing world seems basic (review the day/week, post your thoughts, attempt to sound witty, add some links, etc.), there's actually a complex, interconnected sub-existence to blogging. And I think blog-stalking is at the heart of it. I have a confession: I online stalk (my students would say "stock") several poor souls. Squandering time to religiously follow the lives of people I have never met (...or people I've met but they wouldn't remember me...or people I've read about on a stalkee's blog...or people I've read about in newspapers) relaxes me. I feel sneaky without being creepy. Embarrassingly enough, my sister and I have discussed people we pretend to know, and we can sketch out a decent picture of their lives. It's like a hobby. But I have to wonder if it's a healthy habit. So I'm cutting back. Time limits. Certain days of the week. Only when grading is done. A self-rationing process. Before I stop cold, though, I have to ask...
Am I alone in this? If so, I will try to break my addiction entirely. If not, please let me know. Even better, if you are blog-stalking this site, drop an anonymous post, and I will feel vindicated in my comfortable, incognito life behind the computer.
Also, moving day is fast approaching. We don't have to make a decision until April 15, but I'm struggling. We've created a pro/con template for the schools in each city, but I feel we should consider the wishes of friends (who might visit us) and possible internet stalkers (who might like to hear about the day-to-day in a specific part of the US). Where should we go?
1. Pasadena, CA
2. Santa Barbara, CA
3. Boston, MA
4. Madison, WI
5. Ithaca, NY