Thursday, May 01, 2008

The "Jo" Side of Me

I'm experiencing a Jo-assaince: a renewal of interest in all things international. Now, don't assume that I've never considered the outside world before--my views have never been purely Amero-centric. However, in the past several weeks, I've found myself gravitating towards movies and books which have international origins. My guess is that my brain is going through withdrawals of the constant updates I received about the world from my friend. My body's sensed the lack and is hungry for all things international. I listen to NPR daily, waiting for sound bites of Iraq and Africa. I watched a beautiful/depressing Indian film titled Water about widows trapped in a caste system, and I wept at the end. I finished one of the only written accounts of an honor crime survivor, Burned Alive, and found myself reading passages aloud to my husband, ranting over the inequalities towards women that plague several areas of the world. And I just completed a mentally stimulating yet emotionally exhausting read: Persepolis. You all need to read it. I have a new pet topic for conversation as a result of this read, but I won't bore you with that. (I'll give you a hint, though--negative perceptions of all people in the Middle East without any actual understanding or knowledge of that area.) Now I'm trying to find the movie. Anyone know where I can get it?

Luckily, my oracle of the globe will be here in two weeks. I'm so excited! I bought new sheets and everything. Don't worry, Sarah. I will not ruin your wedding day with a tirade on my latest world discovery.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Actally, the movie isn't out on video yet. I'm on the netflix waiting list, but it's taking so long that maybe I'll try and find the book and read it first. I have so many other comments running through my head, but I guess I will leave it at that. Interested by your view that we don't understand the Middle East (and I totally agree). It reminds me a conversation we had in my class and an article we read about the positive side of arranged marriages - it was really fascinating. Can't wait to see you soon!