Monday, October 08, 2007

As Promised...


As promised, I am not letting the blog die. However, I didn't guarantee that I would have a lovely entry every time. :) The past week was full of excitement: parent-teacher conferences, late nights, and Conference weekend. The highlight of conferences actually occurred the week before when a mother informed me that it wasn't my job to take attendance. Excuse me? I guess I missed that when the state mandated that they know where children are or when a teacher in SLC didn't take attendance and her kids were found looting stores (they claimed they didn't do it because they were in school and there was no hard evidence--attendance--to prove otherwise) or when a truancy officer at the district has to look into cases of children missing school or when it was decided that funds would be allocated to schools in part depending on how much attendance they have. But, hey, what do I know? It was a lovely, ten-minute conversation that had me as the evil, punitive teacher who didn't love or care for her students. Since we all know that's true, I didn't take it too much to heart. Phew.

Other than that, I am bracing myself for another winter. I don't know if I'm ready for it yet. There's something about driving in the snow that makes me think I should have moved with Jo to California. As it is, I have at least another two winters ahead of me. Luckily, this winter I have a garage which means no scraping. However, I live in a house which means I get to shovel the walks. Who ever said growing up isn't fun?

1 comment:

Joanna said...

i would have one thing to say about your winter - "mwah ha ha" (evil laugh). but I am humbled by the fact that i dont even KNOW where i will be for the whole winter. at least you don't have to deal with that stress! sounds like conferences were a barrel of laughs! love you