Monday, June 25, 2007

Back from the Dead

I'm back. It's been a while since I've blogged, so forgive me for the absence. In good news, I picked up my wedding dress. And it all felt so real. I'm getting married with a veil and shoes. Yes, Jo, I bought the shoes. Presents are starting to arrive at the house, and I feel like I'm in Father of the Bride, minus the blender.

In other news, I've discovered the Age of Love series (first one), and I've laughed my head off at the 20 year-olds. They were so incredibly ditzy and had absolutely no idea what to talk about. One girl said she and her dog had the same personality. Ha! It was highly amusing. However, the 40 year-olds were kind (fairly) to each other and honest and motivated and passionate. Hmmmmm...I can't believe that I'm actually watching this, but I find it oddly fascinating.

To top it off, I just got back from California and have decided that it's a great place. I tried my first In and Out burger and decided that they are delicious. I lay on the beach and acquired the sunburn to prove it. It was fun seeing Jo's home and driving up and down the coast. This week is full of little details and spending time with my family.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Glad your back. And that your head and feet will be covered on your wedding day. :)