Thursday, June 12, 2008


Whitney! We're all dying to hear about and see photos of your big day! I'm sure it was fantastic... I can't wait to hear allllll about it! Congratulations girl!

photo via flickr vintage weddings pool

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

When the economy is bad...

...take a vacation. I'll explain in a minute.

I feel like I killed the blog with my last highly philosophical and too diatribe-ish entry, so I'm going to make an effort to rejuvenate things. Then again perhaps the blog's death isn't my fault: some people are busy with weddings/newly married life and others are busy with new jobs. I'm busy with the following: nothing. School ended on Friday and about time I might add! After corralling my ninth graders into one room for 1.5 hours, keeping them entertained until their refunds came, and being called a charming, though overused, expletive by a departing 14 year-old, I was ready to leave. I arrived home around 2:30 (after cleaning, sorting, organizing), sat on the coach, and read. However, my husband is still in school right now, meaning staying home alone would be fairly boring. I have to complete six planning days during the summer anyway, so I decided to get them done early. I've been at work by eight since school got out. I have a conference in two weeks, and then the entire summer is ahead of me.

So June is wiped out, but July is looming large. Why? Because we decided to put our Uncle Sam fund to good use. Rather than bolster the sputtering American economy, though, we're going to dump that refund check into the already-strong Euro. That's right: we're flying to Europe. We're going to stay with my brother and family in Germany, head up to Poland, and then swing down to see Rachet in Zurich with some side trips in between. Yes, I know the dollar is weak, but we're young, childless, and insured. Plus, we own stellar backpacks, we don't mind being smelly with each other for two full weeks, and we don't start grad school payments until next year. When is that combination going to happen again? Needless to say, we're looking forward to the trip.

Whitney, how are wedding plans? Are you excited?